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COLMAN on your iPod


My good friend David Colman has also put together an iPod App! If you are unfamiliar with Coh's work, you're in for a treat. Best known for his animal character design book, this exclusive App provides a drawing collection of both animals and people. The best thing about this new technology, if you have an iPhone or iTouch, it's all right there at your fingertips.

What's really cool is that David has included a step-by-step "how to" tutorial section where he shows how he does his watercolor field sketches.

Once again, thanks to Bobby Chiu, you can find this App book at:


Ty Carter said...


Trevor Spencer said...

awesome! now i just need to get a new

Peter Oedekoven said...

Hope your spine is doing well!!!
Thanks for your comment!
Much appreciated!

Noryuken said...

Me too, I need an Ipod now :)
My very best wishes to you to getting well soon, and thanks again for your comment (it will give me strenght forever and ever!!)

andres casciani said...

Hi Marcelo, very good site, thanks for shearing!

Pablo S. Fernández said...

Hola Marcelo! Como estás? che muy buenos tus nuevos trabajos, como siempre bah. Me gusta mucho lo que haces y la expresion de tus dibujos.
Queria comentarte que te agregue a la lista de mi blog, me gustaría si vos me pudeiras agregar a los tuyos.
Dale? un abrazo y espero tu visita.